Pages tagged "Coal"
Energy policy like profiting from slavery
This article was first published on ABC Environment Online on 19th February 2013. Anyone holding onto the quaint notion that our elected representative govern in the interests of the community will see how false that is when they look at energy policy in Australia, writes Fiona Armstrong. Australia is currently in the middle of a coal rush. Coupled with the exploration of coal seam gas expanding at a rapid rate across Queensland and New South Wales, this looks (on paper)...
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The toll from coal - Newcastle seeks to stop T4
The proposal for a fourth coal terminal at Newcastle has united local residents in a joint effort to protect community and workers' health. Community members are deeply concerned about the impact of coal dust from the proposed terminal. Health experts visited the city earlier this year to talk about the danger of coal dust. Between 1984 and 2012 coal exports from Newcastle increased ten-fold from 21 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to 210 Mtpa. The proposed fourth terminal (T4) would...
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CAHA joins 24 hours of Climate Reality!
In November, along with international partner Health Care Without Harm, CAHA joined 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report. Broadcast live on the Internet, this event was viewed by more than 15 million people around. Health Care Without Harm founder and President Gary Cohen joined a panel Al Gore in New York to talk about the role of sustainable healthcare in addressing some of the world's climate and environmental challenges. CAHA Convenor Fiona Armstrong joined climate scientist Professor David...
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Stop funding climate change!
The Climate and Health Alliance has joined with organisations and individuals around the world asking Australia state, territory and federal governments and other countries governments to stop subsidising fossil fuels. Recent estimates from the International Energy Agency suggest that over $775 billion is spent globally each year, subsidising fossil fuels. In 2009, G20 leaders pledged to phase out fossil fuels, but action has been too slow. It is estimated that fossil fuels subsidies in Australia are worth up to $12...
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Coal powered energy is a public health issue
This article was written by Dr Helen Redmond from Doctors for the Environment Australia for Medical Observer on 21st November 2011. COAL is a health hazard and Australia has an addiction to it. Our state and federal governments have not acknowledged the health consequences of mining and combusting coal, although evidence for harm to human health is well documented in the scientific literature. Precious little research has been done in Australia despite coal communities like those in the Upper Hunter...
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