Talking about climate and health

CAHA has been out and about talking about climate and health.   The last few weeks have included:

  • a workshop at the Australian Climate Action Summit in Sydney (with Dr Helen Redmond) on using the health frame to talk about climate change;
  • a talk at the New South Wales Nurses Association on the role of health professionals in advocating for climate action;
  • a report from COP17 in Durban to the Nossal Institute Centre for Global Health journal club on getting health into the international climate negotations;
  • a seminar at Deakin University on the role of health professionals as policy advocates.

You can download the the slides from each of the presentations here:

Using the health frame to encourage support for climate action
The role of health professionals in advocating for climate action
Getting health into the international climate negotations
The role of health professionals as policy advocates

CAHA can provide experts in climate and health to present at public events and comment in media - contact CAHA Convenor [email protected] or call 0438 900 005.