Briefing Papers

CAHA produces Briefing Papers to provide an overview of the scientific evidence on particular topics related to climate change and health. These are produced to share with parliamentarians, policymakers,  the media, health care stakeholders and the community.

Briefing for COP24 UNFCCC Negotiators on Incorporating Health into the Climate Regime: Impact, Delay and Opportunities

This Briefing provides guidance to health advocates seeking to incorporating health into the programs and initiatives associated with the implementation of the Paris Agreement other UNFCCC instruments. It highlights the risks to health, the dangers of delay, the opportunities for co-benefits through climate action, and the need to mobilise the health community. Download the Briefing for UNFCCC Negotiators.

FAQ: The IPCC report on limiting global warming to 1.5ºC

This briefing addresses some frequently asked questions about limiting global warming to 1.5°C, and explains some of the key issues that will be covered by the IPCC’s latest report. It has been prepared by Climate KIC, Environment Victoria, Australian Conservation Foundation, Future Earth, and Climate and Health Alliance. Download the FAQ Briefing here >>

Summary of IPCC 1.5 Degrees Report: Briefing for MPs and Parliamentary Candidates - March 2019

Summary of Lancet Countdown and MJA-Lancet reports: Briefing for MPs and Parliamentary Candidates - May 2019 


CAHA Briefing Papers

Briefing Paper for the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Inquiry into the Paris Agreement - October 2016

Briefing Paper No. 1: Climate change is a health issue - October 2018

Briefing Paper No. 2: A price on carbon is good for health - October 2018 

Briefing Paper No. 3: The carbon price framework - October 2018

Briefing Paper No. 4: Water for the Murray Darling: Healthy rivers – Healthy People - October 2018

Briefing Paper No. 5: Climate change and health research priorities - November 2019


Joint Briefing Paper

Health Implications of Energy Policy - February 2013

This paper was produced to support discussions among health leaders at a Roundtable and Workshop on the health implications of energy policy in February 2013.

Its broader objective is to highlight the risks of current energy policy for human health to policymakers, the media, the health and energy sectors, and the community more broadly, and to encourage health professionals and health organisations to advocate for the implications for health to be recognised and reflected in Australian and international energy policy.

Download the Health Implications of Energy Policy Briefing Paper.