The Climate and Health Alliance is an Incorporated Association. It has a Board of Directors to guide its work, and an Expert Advisory Committee with senior health and climate researchers and experts to ensure the positions of the Alliance reflect an evidence-based approach. Our Strategic Plan guides the direction of CAHA's programs and campaigns.
Board of Directors
CAHA’s Board of Directors is comprised of:
- Michael Wheelahan, President and Board Chair
- Rebecca Patrick, Vice President (Independent Director)
- Rajini Surendran, Treasurer (Independent Director)
- Jo Walker, Secretary (Australian Health Promotion Association)
- Ingrid Johnston (Public Health Association of Australia)
- Leah Williams (Australian Pyschological Society
- Lin Oke (Friends of CAHA)
- Frances Peart (Independent Director)
- David Zerman (Independent Director)
- Barb Vernon (Independent Director)
- Fiona Armstrong, Executive Director
Expert Advisory Committee
CAHA’s expert advisory committee includes:
- Associate Professor Grant Blashki, Nossal Institute for Global Health
- Associate Professor Kathryn Bowen, Hon. Associate Professor, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Senior Fellow at the Research School of Population Health
- Professor Colin Butler, Visiting Fellow, Australian National University
- Professor Tony Capon, Director, Monash Sustainable Societies Institute
- Dr Susie Burke, Senior Psychologist, Psychology for a Safe Climate
- Professor Sharon Friel, Professor of Health Equity, Director, Menzies Centre for Health Governance, ANU
- Dr Elizabeth Hanna, Honorary Senior Fellow, Fenner School of Environment & Society & Climate Change Institute; Chair- Environmental Health Working Group, World Federation of Public Health Associations
- Professor David Karoly, Leader, Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub
National Environmental Science Program, CSIRO - Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, School of Psychology, University of Western Australia
- Dr Peter Tait, Convenor, Ecology and Environment Special Interest Group, Public Health Association
- Professor John Wiseman, Melbourne Sustainable Societies Institute
CAHA acknowledges the contribution of former Expert Advisory Committee members, Professor Simon Chapman from the University of Sydney, the late Dr Erica Bell, from the University of Tasmania, who led the establishment of this committee, and Professor Garry Egger, from Southern Cross University.
CAHA Rules
The CAHA Rules act as the Constitution for the Climate and Health Alliance.