Engage with your local MP

Build a meaningful relationship with your local MP to lobby climate action and sustainability in your area.

Your MP works for you!

Your local MP is your connection to Canberra and represents you there, so you are entitled to share with them the issues that you and your community care about. You don’t have to be an expert. The simple fact that you care is a good enough reason to contact a politician.

You can call, email, write, and meet with your local MP online or in person to have your voice heard and hold them accountable on their climate action strategies (or lack thereof).

Two helpful guides

Climate For Change has put together some excellent resources to help you write to, call up and visit your MP.

The Australian Conservation Foundation has also put together this excellent guide How to get your local MP to listen to your community. It covers:

  • Research to do on your MP
  • Developing a local strategic plan
  • Meeting your MP at public events
  • Visiting your MP for a meeting
  • Making mass phone calls to your MP's office
  • Running your own community forum
  • Or, if you're meeting your MP online, check out this tailored guide by ACF

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